Tue 7pm-9pm
Instructor: GG

Students will learn the basics of tarot including the structure of the deck, card meanings, and intuitive reading techniques. Each class will activities and practice readings. Class topics will include:

  • History & purpose of tarot

  • Overview of tarot deck (Major Arcana, Minor Arcana, Court Cards)

  • Major Arcana - Fool’s Journey, Numerology & Archetypes in the Majors, Deep Dive into Key Symbolism

  • Minor Arcana - Suit Meanings & Corresponding Elements, Number Meanings, Interpreting Court Cards

  • Tarot Spreads & Reading Techniques (One-Card, Three-Card, Celtic Cross Spreads)

  • Advanced Techniques (Developing a Personal Reading Style, Channeling Messages through Clairaudience & Clairsentience, Working with Tarot for Healing & Spiritual Growth)